Sunday, January 25, 2015

72 Hour Media Fast

   This media fast might have been the hardest thing I've done in a Film Studies course to date. I've spent plenty of time "off the grid" before, but it has always been done while engaging in some of my favorite activities, such as hunting, fishing, and camping. to cut myself off from media without being in the woods was a whole different experience. I found myself becoming more aware of my surroundings, if for no other reason than that I was staring at the decorations on the walls a lot. I couldn't stand the lack of music in my house, so I played my banjo a lot more than usual. on the third day, I spent a lot of time on the water. I had grown tired of trying to find other things to do that didn't involve media, so I excused myself from my normal surroundings and put myself into a situation where I was more used to being without and technology. It was a very interesting experience, but I don't think I'm too eager to do it again.

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